Alexander Bachmann, Business Manager at Kelheim Fibres, will present a detectable viscose fibre with a unique fingerprint structure at this year’s Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn. With this fibre, the Bavarian viscose speciality fibre manufacturer addresses a global problem of growing proportions: For organic cotton alone, the rapidly increasing demand with simultaneously declining production volume invite fraud and counterfeiting, but also other high-quality textiles are forged on a grand scale.
Kelheim Fibres supplies viscose speciality fibres that can serve as “marker fibres” thanks to special pigments that are firmly and permanently incorporated in the fibre structure. These marker fibres are added before yarn manufacturing and guarantee clear identification and traceability throughout the whole textile supply chain to the end product. The validation via scanner takes only a second and does not cause any damage to the product.
Kelheim’s marker fibre offers protection against fraud – protection against germs is offered by Danufil® QR, that will be presented by Dr. Roland Scholz from Kelheim’s R&D team: This fibre was specifically designed for the use in disinfectant wipes. In contrast to standard viscose fibres, the positively charged Danufil® QR binds less than 10% of “quats” (quarternary ammonium compounds, a common disinfectant). Thus, Danufil® QR enables the manufacture of effective disinfectant wipes from biodegradable viscose fibres which is a clear benefit for the environment, especially as these products are designed for convenient one-time use. For this new fibre development Kelheim Fibres was recently awarded with INDA’s World of Wipes Award.
Kelheim Fibres’ experts will be present at stand 19 at the Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress.