Another success for ATIP/Copacel Paper Days! The French paper industry was indeed strongly mobilized on November 21 and 22 during the Paper Days organized in Paris by Copacel and the Technical Association of the Paper Industry (Atip). The technical conferences allowed many companies to offer their latest technologies: PR Pulping, Perfesco, Acoem, Valmet, Wright & Associates (Röchling), IBC Paper Training, Compact Engineering, Gaw, AFT and Mecabride.
For its part, Copacel chose to address the subject of the future orientations of the new Parliament and the new European Commission resulting from the elections of June 9 with interventions by Cepi, the Belgian public affairs firm Fleishman Hillard and the Robert Schuman Foundation. One of the key questions remains inchanged: how to articulate competitiveness and reindustrialization with the objectives of the Green Deal?
Following the success of the Bowling Evening organized last year at the Duplex restaurant, very close to the Arc de Triomphe, this winning formula was repeated this year. After this great moment of relaxation and conviviality on the lanes, the traditional Innovation Palms were awarded during a dinner that brought together some 150 people. Gold was awarded to the Finnish company PR Pulping (cf. picture, represented in France by Calypso) for its pulp preparation system. CTP received the Silver Palm for its chromatogenic process (barrier papers). Finally, the Bronze Palm was awarded to Imerys for Powerate MF56, a multifunctional mineral solution designed for molded cellulose (with a partnership with Ecofeutre). Mark your calendars: the next Papermaking Days will be held on November 27 and 28, 2025, also in Paris.
V. L.