Stora Enso’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board composition

The Stora Enso Shareholders’ Nomination Board has been established to exist until otherwise decided and to annually prepare proposals for Stora Enso Oyj’s Annual General Meeting concerning the election and remuneration of members of the Stora Enso Board of Directors and Board committees, as well as the appointments of the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board consists of the Chair of Stora Enso’s Board of Directors, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors and two members appointed by the two largest shareholders (one each) as of 31 August each year.

Stora Enso’s two largest shareholders on 31 August 2019 were Solidium Oy and FAM AB.

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board has been appointed and consists of the same members as for the previous period: Jorma Eloranta (Chair of Stora Enso’s Board of Directors), Hans Stråberg (Vice Chair of Stora Enso’s Board of Directors), Harri Sailas (Chair of the Board of Directors of Solidium Oy), and Marcus Wallenberg (Chair of the Board of Directors of FAM AB).

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board has elected Marcus Wallenberg as its Chair.