For the 7th time, the AFVP (French Association of Pulp Vendors) invited this week its members and their customers for a seminar in Divonne-les-Bains, on the edge of Lake Geneva.
The conference programme was supposed to include a presentation from Sylvain Lhôte of CEPI who suddenly passed away a few days ago at the age of 51. In a short message, Catherine Vallet, President of the association, paid tribute to his memory.
An overview of the pulp market was given by Pierre Bach of the consulting firm Hawkins Wright. Apparently, we are currently facing the end of a cycle as pulp prices are going down. High stocks, price elasticity, exchange rates explain the phenomenon, China demand being still a strong driver.
The second presentation was delivered by David Abbeglen, R&D Manager for Nestlé, who focused on fiber based packaging opportunities as an eco-friendly alternative to plastic. Recyclability is not enough according to him if the recycling process is not properly organised and explained to the consumer. He also reminded the audience that not all papers are recyclable.