At the moment, the fundamentals of the papermaking and specialty pulp markets look solid – earnings keep growing and market imbalances have not distorted the overall positive sentiment of the industry. The macroeconomic environment is still positive and investor optimism remains high, especially in the West, but the economic horizon is getting cloudier with various risks rising, including possible trade conflicts, Brexit, economic instability in some of the leading emerging markets, etc. And how China’s waste import ban will sway the global fibre balance? Risks of deteriorating market balances for the pulp industry have not materialized due to still growing demand and coincidental and intentional downtime.
Pöyry’s World Fibre Outlook up to 2030 provides in-depth analysis and long-term forecasts of major economic and market trends affecting the demand, supply and pricing of papermaking fibre and specialty pulps in all key regions of the world. The main focus of the study is on pulp and recovered paper demand and changes in papermaking furnish patterns, supply, trade and pricing. Specific issues include the role of new constraints on global fibre trade, new innovative ways to overcome these constraints, role of substitution, future of specialty pulps and new drivers of price formation, to mention but a few.
The Pöyry World Fibre Outlook up to 2030 addresses many significant market issues that are of current strategic interest for the business participants. As in Pöyry’s previous global fibre market studies, the scope is global, providing demand forecasts from 2017 through 2030 for ten product areas and ten geographic regions. The study contains descriptions of key drivers which are common across many product areas, or particularly relevant to specific papermaking and specialty fibre grades. The forthcoming study also has new elements, such as boxed illustrations and case studies of selected topics.
Besides printed reports and pdf files, deliverables include a customized video conference/webcast and discussion with the idea of bringing the study findings, impacts and implications closer to issues revolving around your business. The webcast will be hosted by the authors of the study, supported by fibre market and pulp industry specialists.
Pöyry has published long-term forecasts of global pulp and recovered paper supply and demand since mid-1980s at three-year intervals. Over all these years, Pöyry’s World Fibre Outlook has become an essential reference report for all business participants, including pulp and paper companies, various suppliers and solution providers, investors, financiers, institutions, pulp traders, logistics companies and other interest groups. The latest update of the study has been published in December 2018.