Less than two years after the acquisition of the Arjowiggins site in Saint-Mars-la Brière (near Le Mans, in France), François Bourdin, CEO of Papeterie Le Bourray, announces a new investment of € 10 to 12 million.
This project is part of the “Industry Territories” scheme. It will then benefit from French State support (“France Relance”) for an amount of € 800,000. MAP 1, which made coated paper during the Arjowiggins era, was acquired last January 29. It will be converted with the installation of a dryer and a pulp machine in order to produce recycled market pulp. According to the CEO, the demand for this pulp is strong.
The names of the selected suppliers should be known in the coming weeks.
About thirty jobs are scheduled this year. This new production should start in the second quarter of 2022. In 2020, the paper mill produced around 1,000 t of recycled tissue from a total capacity of 30,000 tpy with two tissue machines.
Valérie Lechiffre