On 03 March to 04 March 2021 the established PTS conference “Paper & Board for Food Contact” will take place again – this time with two innovations. Firstly, the confer-ence language will be English and secondly, the event will be Online.
These changes offer participants an innovative program, diverse topics and presentations from interna-tional experts. The recognized speakers from science, authorities and companies provide updates and impulses on the following subjects:
• Updates on recent legal developments in Europe, Germany and Denmark
• GMP Guidance and Halal production of paper and board
• Update on Titanium dioxide
• Ingredients like BPS in thermal papers or perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in P&B
• Analytical results for release of substances (PFAS, BPA/BPS, Pergafast201; Aluminum, Chloropro-panols)
• Optimization of packaging through software-based prediction of shelf life
• Expert Discussions and exchange of ideas
With the combination of English conference language and online, the event is aimed at an international participant as well as at R&D, production managers, QM representatives, buyers, sales representatives, and engineers at the same time, for whom the current developments in food contact materials are relevant.
Short information:
• Date: 03.03. bis 04.03.2021
• Type: Online Event
• conference language: English
• Web: www.ptspaper.com/events