IBC Paper Training will launch live the October episode of its WebSeries about “Chemical Approach for Stickies Management tomorrow October 31st at 9:00 am and 14:00 pm Paris time. This episode is the second part of the stickies management subject matter, now focused on the chemical approach. Being the use of waste paper for recycling and deinking for the paper making process a subject that raise often concerns, due the impact it cause on the efficiency of the operations, quality of the final paper and ultimately the impact on cost of production it implies.
The WebSeries has 10 episodes per year, every month a specific episode is proposed to facilities subscribers irrespective of number of participants, which include the participation of an industry expert for Q&A sessions. All group facilities subscribers have access also to the episode via streaming and to all previous episode, with ether one month access or an annual access, depending the subscription modality chosen. Registrations can be made by email to Celine.destenay@ibcpapertraining.com or at the website of IBC Paper Training www.ibcpapertraining.com