Ircon-Solaronics to improve the coat drying and reduce energy costs in Macedonian Paper Mill MEL (Greece).

Ircon-Solaronics was selected by the Pak group / Macedonian Papel Mill MEL to improve the coat drying in their mill in Thessaloniki. The project consists by replacing an electrical infrared dryer supplied by Ircon-Solaronics more than 25 years ago by a new gas infrared UniDryer system.

For this project, Ircon-Solaronics offered solutions to reduce drastically the energy costs by:

  1. Changing the energy (electricity to gas): an important factor for the energy savings.
  2. Installing efficient emitters: The Ircon-Solaronics Gem12E emitters are the most efficient high powerful emitters on the market which results in a lower gas consumption.
  3. Installing the UniDryer technology: The convective part fo the UniDryer handles the mass transfer by blowing hot air coming from the emitter’s flue gases
  4. Reusing the hot air: the hot air evacuated from the UniDryer system will be reused as energy source for a hot air gas heated air dryer in order to reduce its energy consumption.


This kind of project has generally a return-on-investment of less than 2 years.

Ircon-Solaronics is pleased to participate in this project which confirms its position as technology leader in optimizing the drying after coating stations.