On November 24, the French company IBC Paper Training hosted a two-hour online information session, open to everyone free of charge. The new innovative training solutions that this company offers to the paper and tissue industry were reviewed. Isabelle Baret, Managing Director of IBC Paper Training, described the courses offered to tutors and operators. A detour through neuroscience reminded us of the importance of non-verbal communication as well as the progress made in our knowledge of the mechanisms of learning.
Following the first lock-down last spring, IBC was able to adapt in order to offer 100% e-learning training. Face-to-face training is of course still possible in complete safety. Isabelle Baret in particular described the e-learning offer recently offered at Softys (Chilean group CMPC), which has factories all over South America. A training academy has been created specifically for this paper maker. Tutors and learners have been trained, together, and successfully.