Half steam ahead!
Three pulp mill customers are tired of their sootblowing systems wasting half the steam and half the time. The mills come from two international P&P groups and decided recently to partner up with Heat Management, to take their chemical recovery process beyond technical specification. The innovative solution will be used to reach the mill sustainability targets, by reducing:
- Water consumption, m3/ADt
- Energy consumption, MWh/ADt
- Emissions, tCO2e/ADt
Heat Managements’ disruptive and market leading High impact Sootblowing System (HISS™) always come with absolute process guarantees for availability and energy savings. These measurable key performance indices facilitate return on investment calculation and the guarantees minimize project risk. The guaranteed sustainability benefits and subsequent significant financial savings lead to short payback time, with the risk being carried by Heat Management.
Together, the three pulp mills will save a minimum of 100 GWh of steam, 130 000 m3 water and 6 000 tCO2e per year in their three black liquor recovery boilers. The improved performance enables higher production with lower environmental footprint per air-dried ton (ADt) of pulp, harmonizing perfectly with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as well as the sustainability goals of the individual mills.
HISS™ – Sootblow more, with less steam.
The patented High Impact Sootblowing System (HISS™) disrupts the “how we have always done it” approach to energy intensive steam sootblowing. By operating the existing steam sootblowing system in a smarter and less wasteful way, half the steam and half the time can be saved. This leads to increased boiler efficiency, availability, and lifetime without installing any new sootblowers or rebuilding the boiler.