First Runtech EP Turbo Blower in Brazil started up at Cartonifício Valinhos S.A.

Cartonifício Valinhos, Brazil, has started up the rebuilt vacuum system on PM3. Runtech Systems delivery included an EP600-HF1 Turbo Blower, EcoDrop water separator and EcoFlow dewatering measurement system, which will be installed later on to further optimize the dewatering. This EP Turbo Blower is the first one in Brazil. It replaces six liquid ring pumps, providing 100% water savings in the vacuum system. Targeted energy saving is over 40%.

“This is our first turbo installation in Brazil and therefore a great milestone to us. We hope that with this installation our technology will become more familiar in Brazil and in the whole South-America. There are many mills which would benefit from our energy and water-saving RunEco vacuum systems,” says Lari Lampila, Sales Manager, Iberia, Russia and South America, Runtech Systems.

EP600 Turbo vacuum blower is a two-stage speed-controlled blower. The closed 3D impeller design gives top efficiency together with good controllability. The EP Turbo unit includes an integrated high-speed drive, which eliminates the need for a gearbox or coupling. The compact design makes retrofit installations easy.