The European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) is an industry self-initiative set up in November 2000 to monitor progress towards meeting the paper recycling targets enshrined in the 2000 European Declaration on Paper Recycling.
The newly appointed Chair of the EPRC is Angelika Christ, Secretary General of FEFCO, her mandate will last for a two years period starting as of 4 April 2019:
“The EPRC has been very successful in bringing all parties together; develop recyclability guidelines for printed graphic paper and boosting recycling of all papers. We will continue this work and support the industry efforts to further improve the recyclability of paper packaging on the market. Paper packaging is a recycling champion. We need to intensify our communication and increase the public awareness about the great recyclability of paper packaging”
In 2017 the EPRC committed to meeting and maintaining a voluntary recycling rate target of 74% in the EU27 plus Switzerland and Norway by 2020 as well as qualitative targets in areas such as waste prevention, ecodesign and research and development.
In 2018, Members of the EPRC are ACE, CEPI, CITPA, EMFA, ETS, FEPE, INGEDE and INTERGRAF. Supporters are Afera, EuPIA, FINAT, FEICA and RadTECH Europe.