DS Smith Packs the Suitcases for Maggi

The new “Food Travel” Instant Cups from Maggi are just the thing for young and young-at-heart consumers. With varied dishes from international cuisine, they provide a quick snack: Perfect for in-between consumption in fast-paced everyday life. The display and packaging manufacturer DS Smith has developed an impact-strong secondary placement in the shape of stacked suitcases for the launch of the trendy ready meals. The unusual creation in the brand’s colourful design generates maximum attention on the sales floor and incites every shopper to go on a culinary world tour with the new cups in their luggage. The pre-stocked display saves retailers valuable stocking time. DS Smith’s holistic display and packaging strategists were rewarded for their innovation with a German Packaging Award 2019.

Little meals are trendy. Today’s consumers prefer snacks that can keep up with their fast-paced daily lives. Things have to be done quickly and bring a touch of exoticism to the tongue. Maggi’s “Food Travel” Instant Cups specifically address these needs. With the slogan “Be on the go – like a pro”, the seven new varieties now offer international specialities with characteristic spices and authentic ingredients in convenient cups.

Travelling the world at the point of sale: The secondary placement for the launch of the new Maggi “Food Travel” Instant Cups comes from DS Smith’s hotbed of innovation. The display in suitcase look scores with attention-grabbing design and uncomplicated handling.

In food retailing, the new sub-brand “Food Travel” is promoted with an eye-catching pallet display. The secondary placement developed by DS Smith optically resembles the shape of several stacked suitcases. Even from a distance, the unusual design puts shoppers in a holiday mood. The open suitcase lid effectively directs their attention to the presented products. Clearly arranged, they invite consumers to spontaneously pick them, and inspire shoppers to take a gourmet tour through foreign cultures.

The display from DS Smith, produced in high-quality offset printing, delivers an overall brand image. The creative presentation of the products encourages impulse purchases and promotes the sale of the new Instant Cups. The assembly in the shops is very simple because the products have already been placed in the suitcases. Simply pull off the hood, put up the poster and the sale can go ahead. Added value for retailers, consumers and the brand.