Copacel : conferences on changes in consumption patterns and their impact on the industry

At its General Assembly held on November 14 in Paris, Copacel invited three researchers to reflect on changes in consumption patterns and their impacts on industrial companies. Aurée Salmon-Legagneur (Credoc) has explained the major trends in consumption patterns by age. Organic food and the search for a quality diet are on the rise. For her part, Catherine Hill, epidemiologist, delivered her opinion on the consumer’s view of chemicals, a complex and sometimes anxious topic. However, it is the dose that makes the poison ! Finally, Martin Souchal (EcoInfo – CNRS) detailed the environmental impacts of digital technologies. If information and communication technologies (ICT) currently generate only 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the 8% mark should be crossed in 2025. Report in the December 2019-January 2020 issue of the magazine “La Papeterie”.