Digital versions of CENIBRA’s and its subsidiaries’ Financial Statements and Sustainability Report are available to the public at large. These reports provide data for the year 2019, with detailed information on the Company’s financial and equity situation and corporate strategies aimed at sustainable development.
CENIBRA’s Sustainability Report is issued annually and contains consolidated data relative to the 2019 fiscal year. The financial and economic data are compiled and disclosed in accordance with Brazil’s Securities and Exchange Commission’s regulations and guidelines issued by the Accounting Procedures Committee. Moreover, they comply with standards issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). All economic and financial data were previously audited by Ernst & Young.
2019 was a positive year for CENIBRA. The Company’s operational results represented a historic milestone, with pulp output having reached 1,222,888 tons favored by operating stability, high uptime in production lines, and significant investments in the business, especially the modernization of one of the pulp bleaching lines.
In the social and environmental areas, CENIBRA continued its investment program, with a responsible approach to the management of its operations’ environmental impacts, use of natural resources, and relationship with stakeholders, particularly communities within the Company’s areas of operation.
“In our opinion, the accompanying individual and consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the Company’s individual and consolidated financial position as at December 31, 2019, its individual and consolidated financial performance and its individual and consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil,” Ernst & Young’s auditing report states.
The corresponding documents are available at https://www.cenibra.com.br/annual-report/ and https://www.cenibra.com.br/financial-statements/.