GLOBAL Banknote paper : Former Arjowiggins Jouy-sur-Morin mill in liquidation Some of Arjowiggins’ companies in the UK plan to enter into administration DS Smith – result of Europac offer DS Smith Hamburger Rieger uses Voith efficiency system for the first time for White Top Testliner production VTT develops a new sustainable way to turn forestry waste into transport fuels and chemicals Mondi wins multiple honours for its printing expertise Georgia-Pacific to Exit Communication Papers Business IP to acquire Envases Grau in Spain and in discussion with Rossmann for an Assets exchange Valmet to supply automation for Gasum’s liquefied natural gas delivery to Metsä Tissue Mänttä mill in Finland Södra wants to inspire teenage girls to become tomorrow’s engineers The sixth episode of IBC Paper Training’s web series – January, 31 !!! Participate LIVE and get the best tips and practices about Stickies ! Double A Alizay to invest in a biomass boiler Paper One Show Beirut 2019 – Two weeks to go! New contract for ALLIMAND Sonoco announces new senior leardership structure Newer Posts 1 2 … 53 54