The XXV TECNICELPA and XI CIADICYP Conference 2021, will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, between the 10th and the 12th March, 2021. The event will allow online participation. The Organizing Committee cordially invites Scientists, Papermakers, Technicians, Manufacturers and Suppliers from all over the world, directly or indirectly engaged in the Forestry, Pulp and Paper field, to participate in. Authors may submit Abstracts for Oral or Poster presentations addressing the following topics:
• Forest
• Raw materials for pulp and paper process
• Pulp Production
• Papermaking (including P&W papers, Tissue, Packaging, Recycling, Converting and Printing)
• Energy and Environment
• Biorefinery and Biotechnology
• Novel applications for pulp and paper / New pulp and paper based materials
• Other support activities (Control systems, Human resources management, Health and safety, Equipment, Education in P&P, Logistics, Marketing, Maintenance)
Authors are encouraged to submit electronically, until October 31st 2020, an abstract with no more than 500 words, following the Template and guidelines available from the conference website.
Suppliers may also submit abstracts to present in a separate commercial session, mentioning in the notes “Commercial”. Those abstracts will have a different evaluation.
English is the preferred language but abstracts may also be submitted in Portuguese.
You cannot miss this unique event in the Forest, Pulp and Paper field, as well as related areas such as Biorefinery, considering the relevance of the conference and the presence in Portugal of leading scientists, as well as important companies in the sector.
Please pay attention to the following deadlines:
- Submission of abstracts – 31st October 2020
- Notification of acceptance – 21st December 2020
- Submission of full papers – 05 January 2021
- Submission of final oral presentations (pptx) – 05 March 2021
All contacts should preferably be made by using the following e-mail address: [email protected]