ANDRITZ has received an order from JSC Volga in Balakhna, Nizhnij Novgorod Region, Russia, to rebuild the existing groundwood reject line into a TMP (thermo-mechanical pulping) line. Start-up is scheduled for the third quarter of 2019.
The new 180 bdmt/d TMP line will process spruce as raw material to feed existing paper machines. In order to increase the capacity of newspaper production significantly, ANDRITZ will rearrange the existing parallel layout of high-consistency (HC) refiners to a two-stage HC refining set-up and install a new chip washing and HC refiner feeding system with a new plug screw feeder and an ANDRITZ DiscFilter.
The project also comprises modernization of the existing screening and low-consistency refining system and includes the complete automation and electrification equipment with DCS system. Engineering, training, advisory services for mechanical installation work, commissioning, and start-up are also part of the scope.
JSC Volga is one of the largest Russian newsprint producers and uses 100% TMP as furnish. The company is one of the top 200 exporting companies in Russia, also ranking among the top 50 companies in the Russian forestry industry and the top 100 companies in the Nizhnij Novgorod Region.