Celulose Nipo-Brasileira S.A. (CENIBRA), from Belo Oriente in the state of Mato Grosso (Brasil), set a new annual production record in 2020.
The Company’s Industrial and Forestry Director, Júlio César Tôrres Ribeiro, commented: “We closed the year 2020 with an annual production of 1,273,282 tonnes, 50,394 tonnes above the budgeted amount, setting a new record for annual production. The record’s magnitude was amplified by the non-execution of the General Parade in 2020. However, discounting the production of the Parade days, we would still have exceeded the previous record by more than 13 thousand tons”, he explained.
More important than the record was the dedication and engagement of employees and service providers who, supported by the creation and adoption of a strict prevention protocol to Covid-19, maintained production stability throughout the year, despite all challenges posed by the pandemic.
According to Júlio, measures to deal with the pandemic provided adequate conditions for work and, at no time, did the production processes stop. “The success in preventing, controlling and mitigating the impacts inherent to the new coronavirus resulted from work that focused on human well-being. From the beginning, CENIBRA provided employees, families and partners with accurate information, adequate equipment and professional assistance, which guaranteed the full productivity of its operations”, he emphasized.
It is also worth mentioning the change in the work regime for the Home Office of a large part of the administrative staff, without loss of quality and / or speed in the execution of tasks, and the challenges overcome in the adequacy of the forestry operation.
Other factors that contributed to the Company’s excellent annual performance are the continued investments in modernizing the Plant and in forestry operations and in eliminating bottlenecks.