UPM is one of the founding members of the #GreenSource initiative, to promote the role of forest-fibre industries in the effort to achieve the EU’s climate neutrality target by 2050. #GreenSource brings together members of EPIS, the European Pulp Industry Sector Association and Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries.
The forest fibre industry wish to play a central role in offering solutions that responds to the needs of the European citizens and contribute to a sustainable lifestyle while making sure that forests keep growing, absorbing CO2 and protecting biodiversity.
A recent scientific study commissioned by Cepi on the Climate effect of the forest-based sector in the European Union shows that, thanks to the forests and forest-based products, 806 million tons of CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere every year – this corresponds to 20% of the EU’s annual emissions – while bringing 3.5 million jobs, especially to rural areas.
In times of COVID-19, it’s important to remember that the forest fibre industry is delivering packaging, tissue and hygiene products that are essential to EU citizens while being good for the planet and good for the European economy.
“We are, and will continue, empowering people to make sustainable choices by providing a growing portfolio of climate-friendly products based on sustainably-sourced, renewable, and recyclable materials.” says Anna Maija Wessman, EPIS Secretary General.
“We are proud of being part of this alliance and want to take an active role in promoting pulp and other wood fibre-based products as a truly sustainable solution”, says Tomas Wiklund, SVP Pulp Sales and Marketing, UPM.
#GreenSource is the common voice of our industry rising to tell the world how we are making a difference in the transition to a sustainable and climate-friendly future.