Canfor Pulp Products Inc. is announcing the curtailment of Prince George Pulp and Paper and Intercontinental Pulp for approximately four weeks starting July 6, 2020. “We have made the difficult decision to temporarily curtail Prince George Pulp and Paper and Intercontinental Pulp due to the major global economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemicandthe shortage of economically viable fibre in the region,” said Canfor Pulp’sChief Executive Officer Don Kayne. The curtailment will reduce Canfor Pulp’s production output by approximately 38,000 tonnesof market kraft pulp and 12,000 tonnes of kraft paper. Canfor Pulp has three Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (NBSK) pulp mills, one Bleached Chemi-Thermo Mechanical Pulp (BCTMP) mill, and one kraft paper mill in BC.