Be Paper… Keep that name in mind!

Because that’s the name of the new Paper and Packaging Company, emerging from the takeover of Arjowiggins`s former paper mill in Wizernes (Wizpaper)

The takeover of the former Arjowiggins paper mill in September 2018 was carried out by Mr Henry Breban, an industrialist from the Saint-Omer region in northern France, who founded and ran the company Express Packaging.  Since the takeover, Mr Breban is doing everything in his power to develop ambitious projects of renovation for the Wizernes site and reinforce the local hegemony of it`s paper industry.  Be Paper brings together a new group under a one name which wants nothing but growth for its future.

This group claims indeed a new identity but it is not a new entrant in the carton packaging market!    The new group of Be Paper comprises EXPRESS Packaging, EXPRESS Découpe and Wizpaper.

A new name and a new CEO

In order to sustain its growth, Be Paper will appoint Damien Bridoux on its team, as a Chief Executive Officer. He has a thorough knowledge of the sector, as a former Ondulys France (VPK group) CEO for 12 years, and before that as a Van Genechten Goossens CEO for 9 years.

Damien Bridoux is therefore in charge of Be Paper’s management, with the firm intention to lead the company to success, by seeking his experience of creating a synergic multisite management.

“What always thrilled me about my managerial functions was organizing the cooperation of every talent around, pursuing a common goal, and protecting the specific strengths of each site by using their complementary strengths as growth lever.” says Be Paper’s new CEO.

A case that will surely be interesting to watch, as it will lead to a wide-ranging hiring plan, as well as investments into production systems…  Be Paper will provide itself the means to fulfil its ambitions!