TECNICELPA will organize, the XXVI TECNICELPA International Conference – Forest Biobased Materials – 2023, between 11th and 13th October 2023, in the University city of COIMBRA – Portugal, and invites all Scientists, Papermakers, Technicians, Manufacturers and Suppliers who work in the area, to participate in this event.
The venue of the event will be the Vila Galé Hotel, at COIMBRA, allowing the Participants and Exhibitors to contact actively and to enjoy the same space for both the Conference and the Exhibition – EXPOCELPA.
Considering the international character of the conference, the official languages will be Portuguese and English. This conference is expected to join Academics, Scientists, Technicians and Manufacturers from all over the world working in the Forestry, Pulp, Paper and Biorefinery field and is therefore an event you should not miss. The program will include technical visits to Portuguese plants and cultural places in Coimbra.
The General Program includes invited plenary sessions, oral and poster presentations, debates, Expocelpa, Networking and sports (padel) moments.
The best oral presentation and the best poster of the conference will be recognized. The traditional “TECNICELPA Award”, created in order to stimulate the production of technical and scientific works carried out in Portugal (Companies, Universities or Research Institutes) by Portuguese or foreign authors working in the forestry, pulp and paper fields, will also be delivered in a ceremony to be held during the event.
You can register here: https://www.tecnicelpa.com/conferences_register.php?id=2&lang=UK