Microbiology, biofilm, Legionella, Pseudomonas are sources for several problems in water systems and therefore of main concern in the industry. A system not properly controlled can lead to high economic losses and have a direct impact on the health of the population.
Kurita has a long experience in the microbiological control and biofilm in water and paper systems. During the last decades, the Kurita R&D developed a complete biocide product range with a broad efficiency against problems caused by microbial life.
To complete our broad range we developed an in-situ biocide system, controlled and dosed by Kurita´s tailor-made dosing equipment:
The Dilurit® BC S-System:
- a fast and easy detectable oxidizing biocide.
- a monochloramine will be generated
- that decomposes 100% in environmentally innocuous inorganic compounds.
Dilurit® BC S-System has extremely high disinfection rate against:
- Any kind of slime-forming microorganism
- Sulfate-reducing bacteria
- Legionella
- Algae
- Yeast
- Mould
- Filamentous bacteria
- Pseudomonas
Kurita’s advanced Dilurit® BC S-System is a mild oxidizer with a broad spectrum of efficacy, a long-lasting effectiveness and a good compatibility with other process chemicals.
Our team of experts have a proven knowledge in solving any microbiology-related problem. In addition, we supply state-of-the-art makeup and dosing equipment as well as on-line monitoring and control technology. All our biocides are non-toxic and comply with the EU-Biocides-Regulation.
Optimum required dosage is ensured by just in time reaction with Dilurit® BC S-System. As a result, economical and efficient use of the applied products and a smooth plant operation controlled by a continuous online monitoring system is achieved.
Briefly, the benefits with Dilurit® BC S-System are:
- Outstanding performance in a broad pH range (pH 6 -10) – even under challenging conditions (neg. system ORP, high conductivity).
- State-of-the-art make-up and dosage system: 100 % conversion of the reactive components. No AOX (adsorbable organic halogens) and THM (trihalomethanes) formation.
- A very selective oxidizer; no negative effects on process chemicals.
- The biology does not adopt itself to the biocide. Excellent performance in slime control.
- Significantly reduced operation costs compared to other oxidizing systems.
- Real-time process monitoring via CI- and ORP- measurements.
State of the art dosage system available in 3 different versions:
Kurita has developed 3 different dosing systems to optimize the treatment and to automatize the dosage and control of the product application. Each one of these systems is tailored to be able to treat a different kind of applications.
- Economic: dosing pumps controlled by water counter (fixed ratio)
- Comfort: Via cooling tower controller, pH-controlled, (fixed flow)
- Total Control: “Own” controller, flow-rate via a pump, pH-controlled