One of the state-of-art paper factories, Hamburger Hungária implements a series of technology-intensive investments worth more than EUR 45 million, consisting of several elements, in Dunaújváros. These developments enhancing competitiveness and aiming at the completion of the sustainable circular economy shall result in the increase of the volume of corrugated basic paper of high quality which is now 700,000 tons annually produced at this site. Furthermore, automation and logistics systems are going to be advanced.
Hamburger Hungária belongs to the Prinzhorn Group, a predominant corporation of European paper and packaging industry, employing 7,000 people in 15 countries with an annual price revenue of EUR 1.6 billion.
This Group has been operating in Hungary since 1990. Activities of its three companies are unique examples of the realisation of circular economy creating value from waste: Duparec Kft. collects paper waste, Hamburger Hungária Kft. recycles it, manufacturing corrugated basic paper of high quality from it, and then Dunapack Magyarország Kft. produces attractive, innovative and tailor-made corrugated paper packaging means from it. Hungarian affiliates of the Prinzhorn Group employ a total of 1,120 persons, and its total price revenue exceeded HUF 153 billion in 2018.
Hamburger Hungária is a leading manufacturer of brown corrugated basic paper in Europe, producing 700,000 tons of corrugated basic paper of high quality from 100% recycled paper waste at its Dunaújváros site. This is ca. 80% of the total paper volume produced in Hungary. The major part of the production is exported to the markets of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. The company employs almost 400 persons with a price revenue of HUF 98 billion in 2018. Their fundamental value is to reinforce environmentally sound activities.
In the last decade, the Prinzhorn Group realised an investment worth more than EUR 500 million only with Hamburger Hungária. The Prinzhorn Group Hungary has been a strategic cooperative partner of the Government since 2014.